Homeless in Arizona

Judge Michael Herrod is married to Cathi Herrod

Cathi Herrod of the Center for Arizona Policy is married to a Maricopa County Judge???

  I found this link on Facebook
and from that link it sure sounds like this Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Michael Herrod is married to Cathi Herrod who runs CAP or the Center for Arizona Policy.

If Judge Michael Herrod has the same nutty views as his wife Cathi Herrod he certainly shouldn't be a judge in a secular government where church and state are supposed to be kept separate.

I Googled Judge Michael Herrod and it seems like he is a judge on the Maricopa Superior Court.

In my words the Center for Arizona Policy is a right wing group of religious folks who would love to flush both the US Constitution and Arizona Constitution down the toilet and turn Arizona into a Christian theocracy.

And sadly Cathi Herrod's group has been very successful at getting laws passed to do that.

If you are interest in reading more about Cathi Herrod check out this URL, there are a whole bunch of news articles her on Cathi Herrod and her Center for the Arizona Policy's efforts to turn Arizona into a religious theocracy:

Here is the image from the Facebook web page on Michael Herrod, Cathi Herrod and the Center for Arizona Policy.
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Michael Herrod is married to Cathi Herror, the person who runs the Center for Arizona Policy

Homeless in Arizona

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