In Tempe it sounds like they are attempting to flush Prop 203 or Arizona's medical marijuana act down the toilet by making an end run around it. I am not sure on this, but some or all of these Tempe laws may be illegal and unconstitutional. After the Arizona Legislator f*cked over the voters and repealed the 2nd medical marijuana law we passed, the voters passed an initiative that required a super majority of something like two thirds or three fourths of the legislator to modify vote passed initiatives. That's why the RAD or Relegalize All Drug initiatives forbid the government from taxing or regulating marijuana or all drugs.
Tempe weighs changes to medical-marijuana rulesTempe weighs changes to medical-marijuana rulesDarren DaRonco, The Republic | 8:03 a.m. MST October 24, 2015 Eighteen-year-olds could soon be allowed in Tempe medical-marijuana dispensaries, and stores may be allowed to lengthen their hours. The changes would be part of a series of tweaks the city could make to its medical-marijuana rules. Dispensary operator Steve White is asking the city for some of the changes. He believes the current rules hurt his customers. For one, Tempe is the only city in the Valley that requires dispensaries to close at 6 p.m. "We are the only place where some people can go get a very specific type of product,” White said. “Some of (our customers) work in outlying areas of the Valley, and it’s very challenging for them to make it to the dispensary by six o’clock. We often hear stories about people racing to the dispensary to try to get there in time.” White is asking the city to extend the closing time to 10 p.m. In addition, White wants Tempe to align itself with other cities and lower the age limit to customers 18 and older. Currently, Tempe is the only city in the state to limit dispensary visitors to adults 21 and older. White said those 18-year-olds can get marijuana from anywhere but a Tempe dispensary. “The safest place they can possibly be is the only place they can’t go,” White said. “While there were probably good intentions behind the idea of trying to keep young people away from abusing the system …, it just hasn’t worked out that way.” State law allows anyone over 18 years old to shop at a dispensary, provided they have a valid medical-marijuana card. White said Tempe’s restrictions could force people to turn to the black market for marijuana. Other changes would cap the size of dispensaries at 5,000 square feet and cultivation sites at 25,000 square feet. Current rules require that dispensaries and cultivation sites have only one door. That requirement caps both dispensaries and cultivation sites at between 4,000 and 5,000 square feet. Councilman Joel Navarro felt the city needed to examine its rules to ensure they meet today’s market. “A lot of the council kind of added this stuff in at the time of the unknown,” Navarro said, referring to when the council adopted the existing rules back in 2011. “I think this is great … that we get feedback like this because in that council’s mind it was ‘what are we getting into?’ This is a great progression.” The council will vote on the rule changes during its Nov. 12 meeting. A sweeping bipartisan bill introduced in 2015 could soon legalize medical marijuana in all American states. In other council news, Tempe voters will have an opportunity in March to cap campaign contributions for city elections. The council unanimously passed a ballot measure that would allow the city to set campaign-contribution limits similar to 2012, before the state Legislature increased the limits. For example, an individual could only donate a maximum of $500, down from the current limit of $6,250. Political parties and political-action committees would be capped at $1,000, and candidates would be prevented from collecting more than $10,000 through any combination of political parties and PACs.