Homeless in Arizona

Articles on Legalizing Marijuana

Like it or not, studies say pot is dangerous


Some people have a financial interest in the "War on Drugs" and support it for that reason.

Cops, prosecutors, judges, probation officers, prison guards, and drug testing companies, prison construction companies, of of course businesses that operate private prisons are some of those who support the "War on Drugs" because it is making them wealthy.

The "War on Drugs" has been going on at the Federal level for over 100 years since the "1914 Harrison Narcotic Tax" was passed into law. And the people in the government that have a financial interest in the "War on Drugs" have been spreading lies to justify the insane "War on Drugs" for the last 100 years.

Sadly these government bureaucrats have been very effective at brainwashing Americans with their lies about drugs.

Many people support the "War on Drugs" because they actually believe the lies they were taught about drugs in the public schools or government schools.

Initially I thought that Seth Leibsohn was one of those brainwashed people who support the "War on Drugs" because they believe those lies.

Well until I read at the end that Seth Leibsohn is chair of Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy.

Now I suspect that Seth Leibsohn has a financial interest in the "War on Drugs". I also suspect that Seth Leibsohn is now one of the people responsible for making up and spreading those lies about drugs, as in this letter to the editor.

Google "Seth Leibsohn" and you will see he is associated with a lot of politicians that have a financial interest in the "War on Drugs"


Like it or not, studies say pot is dangerous

Seth Leibsohn 5:36 p.m. MST June 18, 2015

In his June 18 column ("Did marijuana actually kill 62 kids in Arizona? Or.."), E.J. Montini attempts to excoriate Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk for her Tuesday My Turn, in which she wrote: "In 2013, marijuana use was associated with the tragic and needless deaths of 62 children in Arizona."

What is bothering Montini? A direct quote from the Arizona Child Fatality Review Program for the Arizona Department of Health Services says marijuana use is "associated" with the deaths of 62 children in Arizona. Montini tries to negate the role marijuana played or may have played in those deaths. Why?

If any other substance were "associated" with deaths, would we not be concerned? Why do people try to minimize the harms of marijuana when they ask us for proof of harm and we submit it? They do that with no other substance we can think of.

The public has been misled with the ridiculous claim that marijuana is safer than alcohol. On any number of fronts that is simply untrue. And, in citing the Arizona Child Fatality Review, we showed just one of those fronts, where marijuana was indeed "associated" with more childhood deaths than alcohol.

At what point do we get to argue science or common sense if every time we cite a statistic or exact language from serious reports those reports are simply tossed away as meaningless. There's a phrase for people who accept no evidence, scientific or otherwise: it's called "invincible ignorance." Montini might want to look that up, too.

— Seth Leibsohn, Phoenix

The writer is chair of Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy. Sheila Polk, Shawnna Bolick and Merilee Fowler also serve on the board.


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