Homeless in Arizona

Uncaused Cause - Who created God???

This question has caused many people to become atheists

  It had never occurred to me to ponder this question until a priest taught my class in 1982 the doctrine of the "uncaused cause." That's what made me an atheist. The following dialogue was printed in the Beetle Bailey cartoon by Greg and Mort Walker published on page D5 of the Saturday 25 October 2014 edition of the Arizona Republic:
Zero: Chaplain, here's what I don't get. If God created the universe, who created God?

Chaplain: Zero, that question has been asked since the beginning of time.

Zero: So, what's the answer?

Chaplain: Nobody knows. That's why it's still being asked.

Who created God - the Uncaused Cause

Who created God - the Uncaused Cause


Homeless in Arizona

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