Homeless in Arizona

Tempe cop kicks me out of Clark Park


Today I think a Tempe cop kicked me out of Clark Park for no reason other then because I look like a homeless person.

Today, is Thursday, January 21, 2016 and I was just lying down in Clark Park because I was tired. The last two nights I didn't get much sleep.

After I ate lunch I want to Clark Park and I was lying in the grass between the baseball field and the pool that has been closed and turned into a garden.

I know it is illegal to sleep in the park so I wasn't sleeping.

Then just before 14:23 (2:23 pm) a blond haired Tempe pig in a SUV drives up and tells me I have to leave the park or he was going to shake me down.

He said people were calling complaining I was dead.

I don't know if he got any actual calls or he was just using that as a lame excuse to kick me out of the park.

So I asked him:

Do I really have to leave the park or, are you just making that up.
He then responded with something like
If you don't leave I am going to have to id you and run you thru the computer.
Jesus, don't these pigs have any REAL criminals to hunt down????

As I was leaving Clark Park I used my camera to take a photo of a Clark Park sign. The timestamp on the photo is 14:23, or 2:23 p.m.

Tempe cop kicks me out of Clark Park - Another false arrest, civil rights violation - Thursday, January 21, 2016 14:23 (2:23 pm) a blond haired Tempe pig in a SUV
Homeless in Arizona

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