Mike add a sort by government entity radio button modifiy the other buttons to sort by entity

query='select name, district_n, district_a, comments, party, elected_officials.political_party, party_image, party_css, political_party_text, '' as office, terms_in_offices, elected_officials.harm_reduction, elected_officials.legalize_pot, harm_reduction_text, harm_reduction_image, harm_reduction_css, legalize_pot_text, legalize_pot_image, legalize_pot_css, status_image, status_css, status_overall_css, photo, email, status_text, title_actual, phone_home, phone_work, phone_cell, phone_fax, elected_officials.id_title, government_entitys.name_entity, titles.title, titles.title_actual, candidate, incumbent, date_1st_term_start, date_last_term_end, date_1st_candidacy, date_last_candidacy from elected_officials, status, harm_reduction, political_parties, titles, legalize_pot, government_entitys where elected_officials.political_party = political_parties.political_party and elected_officials.harm_reduction = harm_reduction.harm_reduction and elected_officials.legalize_pot = legalize_pot.legalize_pot and elected_officials.id_title = titles.id_title and elected_officials.government_entity = government_entitys.id_entity and elected_officials.status = status.status and ( elected_officials.government_entity ='733' ) '
Government Bureaucrats - Voting records of Arizona politicians and elected officials on their marijuana voting record

Government Bureaucrats

Voting records of Arizona elected officials on marijuana issues


Sort by: Name      District      Party, Name      Party, District      
Status, Name      Status, District      
Harm Reduction, Name      Harm Reduction, District      
Legalize Marijuana, Name      Legalize Marijuana, District      

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Harm reduction
Legalize marijuana
Government Entity
Dennis's Web Page with the bureaucrats!!!!!
SAFER Arizona
Phoenix NORML
NORML in Arizona
Phoenix NORML
Arizona NORML Chapters
West Valley NORML
Tucson NORML
Arizona Weekly Weeder
Arizona Weekly Weeder - Phoenix
CAMP 420
CAMP 420