Homeless in Arizona

Secular Coalition for Arizona

Arizona's Voice For Secular Government

  If you ask me the "Secular Coalition for Arizona" isn't "Arizona's Voice For Secular Government" but rather the Arizona Democrats answer to Cathi Herrod's "Center for Arizona Policy" or CAP.

From my view point the "Secular Coalition for Arizona" seems to want to shove the values of atheist Democrats down the throats of Arizonans using the force of government.

Which is just as bad as Cathi Herrods's "Center for Arizona Policy" which seems to want to shove the values of Christian Republicans down the throats of Arizonans using the force of government.

Secular Coalition for Arizona - Arizona's Voice For Secular Government - Cathi Herrod -  Center for Arizona Policy CAP - atheist values -  AU-GP - Americans United for Separation of Church and State - Greater Phoenix -  FFRF  - Freedom From Religion Foundation - HSGP - Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix - Arizona ACLU - AZACLU - Arizona Democratic Party - Republican party - atheists - Cathy Herrod - Kathi Herrod - Kathy Herrod - Christian Republicans


I believe the people that created the "Secular Coalition for Arizona" are involved with most of the atheist groups in Arizona, such as AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State - Greater Phoenix), FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation) and HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix).

I believe the people that created the "Secular Coalition for Arizona" are involved with most of the atheist groups in Arizona, such as AU-GP (Americans United for Separation of Church and State - Greater Phoenix), FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation) and HSGP (Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix).

I believe the same people are also involved with the Arizona ACLU and the Arizona Democratic Party.

Initially I supported this group, but when it became apparent to me that they are NOT for separation of church and state, but that they seem to want to force their atheist, socialist values on Arizona I stopped supporting them.

I am an atheist and I am 100% for separation of church and state.

But if we are going to have true separation of church and state it is WRONG for atheist groups to try to force our values on Christians using the force of government.

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title