Homeless in Arizona

Sarah Louise gets a little testy

  Sarah Louise of the ASU Young American's for Liberty gets a little testy when I try to inform them that the MPP initiative is 99% for creating a government monopoly on growing and selling marijuana for the existing medical marijuana dispensaries and 1% about reforming the evil, draconian marijuana laws.

I'm sorry, I don't think Sarah Louise is with the ASU Young American's for Liberty.

But she does seem to be trying to get them to circulate petitions for the phoney baloney MPP initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona.

The MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative in Arizona is 99% about creating a government monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana for 80+ medical marijuana stores, and 1% about fixing the evil draconian marijuana laws.

It initiative will legalize people having 1 ounce or less of marijuana or 6 plants marijuana plants.

The bad news is almost any trivial violation of the initiative will result in the person being arrested and slapped with FELONY criminals charges.

7 marijuana plants, that's a felony, possession of over 1 ounce of marijuana. The charges start out as misdemeanors and quickly escalate to felony charges.

Buying marijuana from anyone except one of the 150 or 160 licensed pot shops, that's a felony. Selling your extra marijuana? Again that's a felony.

In theory the MPP initiative limits the number of legal marijuana stores to 150 or 160 stores depending on where you get your numbers.

We suspect that in reality it will limit the number of legal pot shops to the 80+ existing medical marijuana dispensaries.

If the Arizona MPP law works like the Colorado and Washington MPP laws, the price of recreational marijuana will be in the $300 an ounce range.

Don't want to pay the ridiculous $300 an ounce from the legal pot stops. Well, it's a FELONY to buy pot from an unlicensed dealers.

Want to grow your measly 6 plants? Well you almost have to grow them in a bank vault to comply with the silly MPP law. I believe it's a FELONY if you don't grow them under lock and key was required by the law.

The law limits one person to a measly 6 plants. Grow over 6 plants and it's a felony.

For a family or house hold that 6 plant limit per person is capped at 12 plants for the household. So any family or household that grows 13 or more plants is looking at felony charges.

The MPP initiative also creates a special marijuana police force of cops who's sole job is to hunt down and arrest people for violating the new phoney baloney legalized marijuana laws.

The MPP initiative also allows appointed govenrment bureaucrats to flush Prop 203 or Arizona's Medical Marijuana Act down the toilet.

Sarah Louise - gets a little testy!!!

Sarah Louise of the ASU Young American's for Liberty [She is NOT with them, I incorrectly thought that] gets a little testy when I try to inform them that the MPP initiative is 99% for creating a government monopoly on growing and selling marijuana for the existing medical marijuana dispensaries and 1% about reforming the evil, draconian marijuana laws.

Sarah Louise gets a little testy about MPP initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona

Sarah Louise - I've reported you for harassment.

Wow Sarah Louise seems to get upset easily. This was in relation to me making comments that the MPP initiative is 99% about making the owners of MPP millionaires and 1% about reforming the evil, draconian marijuana laws.

Here is a message Sarah Louise sent me!!!!

Sarah Louise

Just so you know, I've reported you for harassment. Do not screenshot my posts, do not post my name anywhere on your accounts. I am not a member of ASU Students for Liberty or YAL. I will not tolerate being publicly "called out" for doing my own thing, just because you are too ignorant and dogmatic to promote your own campaign instead of sabotaging mine. You are not an activist, you are a joke. I WILL turn this into a serious matter if you continue to use my name in anything you post.

Sarah Louise gets a little testy about MPP initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona

Arizonans For Safe Access a front for the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project

Is this "Arizonans For Safe Access" a front for the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project's phoney baloney initiative to legalize marijuana? I think it is.

Yesterday Sarah Louise posted something like this on a meeting at the Cheba Hut for ASU students for liberty asking them to circulate marijuana petitions for MPP.

Sarah Louise then got pretty upset with me when I made the comment that MPP initiative is 99% about making the owners of MPP millionaires and 1% about reforming the evil, draconian marijuana laws.

Arizonans For Safe Access a front for the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project's phoney baloney initiative

Kathy Inman's gang meets here every week

Somebody was saying that Kathy Inman and her gang meet here every week

Kathy Inman's gang meets here every week at the Cheba Hut in Tempe

Don't use names on the Safer Arizona page

Robert says that I shouldn't use names on the Safer Arizona web page.

OK, that's not a problem!!!

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title