Homeless in Arizona

Chandeler government censors Phoenix Cannabis Collation

Chandeler Library censors Phoenix Cannabis Collation

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PCC website censored by Chandler Library???

Phoenix Cannabis Collation website censored by Chandler Library???

It looks like the PCC or Phoenix Cannabis Collation website is being censored by the Chandler City Library.

While the PCC and Phoenix Cannabis Collation Facebook pages are viewable from the Chandler City Library if you go to their main web page which is,

you can't view it from the Chandler City Library and get the cryptic message:


Our server sentries tell us you should probably not be here. Maybe you are lost?

If you are sure this is the place you are trying to go, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

When you click on the "contact us" link it just displays the cryptic message a second time.

The only difference is that the URL at the top of the screen changes from

In the past when you visited a web page that was being censored by our government masters at the Chandler City Liberty it would give you a clear message that told you that you were being censored by the Chandler City government.

I suspect they intentionally changed this to this new cryptic message so you are not away that you are being censored by the Chandler City Government.

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title