A summary of the phoney baloney MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative to legalize marijuana in Arizona. I have made comments that said the MPP initiative to legalize marijuana is 1% about ending the draconian marijuana laws and 99% about making the owners of the 80+ medical marijuana dispensaries millionaires by giving them a government monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana. I think that is an accurate summary of the MPP initiative. I have also said that the MPP initiative to legalize marijuana is laced with felony charges which allow the new recreational marijuana businesses to throw people into prison that cut into their lucrative monopoly on growing and selling marijuana. I think the gist of that statement is true. That is how the MPP initiative will end up working if it it passed. But while the law will end up working that way, I think I am technically wrong in the way I said it. Supporters of the MPP initiative correctly claim it doesn't have any new felony charges in it. Technically they are right. But, the MPP initiative keeps intact a large number of the currently existing Arizona laws that make it a felony to possess, grow or sell marijuana. And those marijuana laws will be used by the new recreational marijuana businesses to throw people into prison that cut into their lucrative monopoly on growing and selling marijuana. I used the discussion from this link to come up with most of the information in this post Now I still have one question on this. Under Prop 203 it is currently legal for a patient who has a medical marijuana card to buy marijuana on the black market [while it's a felony for the person that sells it]. Why should a patient who has a card pay the $300 rip off prices the medical marijuana dispensaries charge when they can buy marijuana on the black market for a lot less? Some people have said that it will be a felony under the MPP initiative for a person to buy marijuana on the black market if they don't want to pay the $300 an ounce rip off price the recreational marijuana stores are expect to charge? That logic doesn't seem right if the MPP initiative doesn't create any new marijuana laws which have felony charges. Can somebody answer that question for me. Under the MPP initiative will it be a felony for a person who can legally possess marijuana to buy it on the black market instead of from a licensed marijuana store? |