If you read this post from Kathy Inman it sounds like she is saying the MMP initiative will cause full blown legalization of marijuana in Arizona. Sadly the MPP or Marijuana Policy Project initiative is 1% about legalizing marijuana, and 99% about making millionaires out of the current owners of the 80+ medical marijuana dispensaries by giving them a monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana. Kathy, I think the enemy is MPP or Marijuana Policy Project. Who's YOUR Enemy? Mine is Prohibition- and Arizonans Fighting Marijuana Reform July 13, 2015 at 8:31am The word enemy has been thrown around a lot this year. A County Attorney called a fellow community member and veteran his Enemy- for using marijuana recreationally. I have referred to one Representative of the Prohibitionists as the 'Enemy of Truth and Freedom'. For many years, I have implored Arizona cannabis consumers to understand one thing: We have One Enemy, and that is Cannabis Prohibition. [Yea, and I think we have a second enemy which is MPP or the Marijuana Policy Project] For many years, I have watched as division and money interests have controlled the inner working of the marijuana community. Now I see what the plan has been all along. Disprupt, divide, and remain Conquered for the interest of a few, while standing in the way of the freedom of thousands. Keep cannabis out of the mainstream- Alienated from regular society - and it will not become "Legal". Some know the plan, others are just following the Pied Piper of Promises. Promises to keep folks out of jail- Promises to get You started in the cannabis industry- Promises, without results. I have watched this for years. [The MPP initiative will NOT keep people out of jail, it is laced with felony charges] They tried to block your freedom in 2009 by standing in the way of Proposition 203, and they are trying again. Beware of the Arizonans Fighting Marijuana Reform. [Beware of anybody that supports MPP.] Why would a group of people who seem to stand up for Legalization suddenly complain when Legalization is about to happen? [Well for one thing the MPP initiative seems to be 1% about legalizing marijuana and 99% about creating a government monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana for the 80+ current medical marijuana dispensaries in Arizona. For another thing the MPP initiative also seems to use felony charges to put anybody who competes with the monopoly in prison. We want to legalize marijuana, not have another law that continues to throw people in prison for marijuana crimes] Because they begin to understand that when Arizona legalizes marijuana for the majority of its citizens, that those citizens will not have a reason to call their friend and ask them to leave their couch to deliver them a bag of weed. [No instead of thousands of friends they can purchase marijuana illegally from at a cost of $60 and ounce they will be forced to purchase marijuana from one of the 160 stores given an govenrment monopoly on selling marijuana for $300 and ounce, and in reality that will probably be a measly 89 stores, which are all the current medical marijuana dispensaries. But don't worry Kathy, your son in law Andrew Myers said at the July 2014 NORML meeting he expect the price of medical marijuana to drop to a dirt cheap price of $200 and ounce when the laws of supply and demand kick in] That precious herb will be available in stores, for all to purchase- without a card. [Yea, a maximum of 160 stores and in reality probably the measly 90 or so stores which are medical marijuana dispensaries. And at the outrageous price of $300 an ounce, when the black market price is around $60 an ounce] At first, the cost will be higher- Just like when you bought your first computer. [Yea, and many times the current black market price of marijuana.] Then, as this becomes a regular commodity in our society, we will see it in more and more stores, and prices will come down. [At the July 2014 NORML meeting Kathy's son in law Andrew Myers said he expects the price of medical marijuana to drop to the ridiculously low price of $200 an ounce!!! He didn't say that marijuana on the black market currently sells for $60 an ounce compared to the rip off price of $300 an ounce in the medical marijuana store] Progress takes time. Cannabis is a product that is not "like" any other. It is not "like" alcohol. It is not "like" pharmaceuticals. It is not "like" food. It is not "like" a utility. Cannabis is all of these things, and more. It should be Legal, and Available to the Majority of Arizonans. [Well legal under a very limited number of conditions. If you have over an ounce it's a felony, and if you have over 6 plants it's a felony] The main difference people are "fighting for" in the initiatives do not mean a thing if we do not get it on the ballot. [Kathy the initiative isn't worth fighting for because it doesn't really legalize marijuana. It just creates a government monopoly on growing and selling recreational marijuana for the current 80+ medical marijuana dispensaries, and maybe a few more stores of up to 160] The Marijuana Policy Project has changed laws across our country for the last twenty years. [And many people are VERY UNHAPPY with the sh*tty laws MPP has passed, because they screw the marijuana user on the street] They brought Colorado their legalization and Arizona its medicinal rights. [And a huge number of Arizona medical marijuana users think Prop 203 sucks!!! Prop 203 has the same problems. It creates a government monopoly for 128 medical marijuana dispensaries and seems to screw the patients who need medical marijuana] The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana from the MPP allows you to possess up to one ounce of marijuana on your person, and the right to grow six plants per person. [Yea, and if you have 1.0001 ounces or 7 plants you will be slapped with felony charges. That's not legalization. Kathy please don't call it "legalization" when there are all kinds of felony charges involved] The AMFR initiative allows one to carry up to 8 Ounces of marijuana. Why would anyone need to carry so much product? That is an enormous amount. [Hey Kathy, have you every purchased a pound of marijuana, that's 16 ounces. Please take the 5th on that, if you don't you might get into trouble] Arizona will not vote to allow that sort of street style possession. [I say Bullsh*t!!!! The public is sick of people being thrown in prison for victimless marijuana crimes] Everyone who knows anything about this product knows that one need not carry so much- unless you are a small businessman interested in sales. [And that is precisely why the folks at MPP made it a FELONY to have over one ounce. They want to be able to call the cops and throw anybody in prison that cuts into their lucrative monopoly selling marijuana at rip off $300+ an ounce prices. And of course those are FELONY charges so the 160 marijuana stores will have you thrown in prison for a long time!!! Well really many of us suspect it won't be 160 stores, but rather the 80+ current medical marijuana dispsenaries] These are the people who want do not support legalization for the normal Arizonan. [Kathy it's NOT "legalization" if you can get slapped with FELONY charges] These are the people who would deny you your right to legally possess up to one ounce without a card and grow six plants without worry. [Yea, and 1.000001 ounces is a felony and 7 plants is a felony. Some people even thing possessing 7 seeds could be a felony under the vaguely written law] These people are the loudest among us, and will stop at nothing to thwart the MPP initiative- because it is the only one that has the financial backing and political support to accomplish real legalization here in our state. [Yea, it's backed by the special interest groups that stand to make millions from the law. It isn't backed by the marijuana user on the street that will get screwed] I have talked to hundreds, if not thousands of Arizonans over the last seven years, and I Do know what our state needs as a whole. [I suspect what you are saying is YOU WANT A GOVERNMENT MONOPOLY ON SELLING RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA SO YOU CAN BECOME RICH!!! I don't have the proof, but it sure looks like it] I am Not looking at Legalization from a small business perspective, and I have No designs on any work in the industry. [How about your son in law Andrew Myers. He was head of the Arizona Dispensary Association. Didn't you also apply for that job? I think you said Andrew got it because he has a college degree and you don't?] I am an advocate for the people, looking out for the average Arizonan. [Then why don't you support the RAD initiative or the AZfrm initiative? The RAD initiative completely legalizes marijuana. The AZfrm initiative is more or less the same as the MPP initiative, with all the felony charges removed] I appreciate Arizona's longtime caregivers and I salute the service they have provided us- for decades. I have vast and profound respect for those of you who have healed without reciprocation. I never want to see one of our friends go to jail. [Well unless they have over an ounce of pot, or 7 or more marijuana plants? If you support the MPP initiative you must agree with that, because in both cases those will be felony charges.] This is why I have Stood Up for cannabis - for all of these years. So we could see a day when No One goes to jail for this plant- [bullsh*t, the MPP initiative is laced with felony charges for victimless marijuana crimes and people will continue to go to prison for marijuana crimes] and everyone has legal and affordable access [affordable access, don't make me laugh Kathy!!!! In all the states which have passed MPP initiatives the price of legal marijuana is around $300 an ounce]. This does not happen overnight- but it is happening. If we did not stay the course and support Proposition 203, Arizona would still see a felony penalty for Any possession. [Yea, under Prop 203 it's a FELONY to smoke marijuana in public, and most trivial violations of Prop 203 are felonies] This would be, if it were up to some of the community leaders who currently support the AFMR. I stand for the otherwise law abiding citizen. I stand for the normal cannabis consumer who wants to smoke instead of having a beer after work. I stand for the Moms who want to protect kids from overdose death and drunk driving accidents. I stand for the senior citizen who will not try this life giving natural alternative to pharmaceuticals until it is marked "Legal". I stand for those who move to legal states like Colorado for medical treatment. I stand for the working person who cannot afford a medical card every year. [Kathy I suspect YOUR BUDDIES wrote prop 203 and they could of wrote it so a card didn't cost $150!!! How come you son in law Andrew Myers allowed that??? Didn't he run the team that wrote Prop 203???] I stand for the average everyday Arizonan who is tired of feeling alienated and ashamed of using an illegal product. I Stand Up for the Silent Majority of Arizonans who use Marijuana, and cannot wait to live in a Legal State. [Yea, Kathy, many people suspect you have a financial interest in the MPP law. Sorry, but I don't have any proof on that] Donec victoriam semper, Kathy Inman |