It sure sounds like the Arizona Republic supports a "Bill of Rights" free police state in this editorial. I think what the Arizona Republic is saying with this statement is that they consider anybody that expects the government to honor their Constitutional rights a scum bag criminal. Why on Earth would anyone who wasn't stupid-drunk hold up a sign against his driver-side window that says, 'Remain silent; no searches; want my lawyer'?We have Constitutional rights to protect us from government tyranny. And when the government has these roadblocks that force everyone to prove they are not a criminal, that is govenrment tyranny. Keep those stupid DUI signs in Florida Editorial board, The Republic | 5:07 p.m. MST June 11, 2015 Our View: A state tortured by deaths from wrong-way DUI drivers on freeways doesn't need new ways to dodge the law. Prosecutor, to judge: "Your honor, the defendant's behavior goes to motive: Why on Earth would anyone who wasn't stupid-drunk hold up a sign against his driver-side window that says, 'Remain silent; no searches; want my lawyer'?" "Is the court to presume the defendant simply had had too much garlic on his rigatoni?" We really can't guess how the courts would react to a defendant in a DUI case who refused a police officer's request to hand over ID. But we do know that a Florida lawyer, Warren Redlich, is recklessly offering bad legal advice to drivers suspected of driving under the influence. Through a web site called "," Redlich tells readers to print out flyers that they can hold up against the driver's side window in the event police stop them. He advises against rolling down the window, "providing" identification only by holding it against the window for the officer to read. "Although DUI laws used to be a genuine effort to get drunks off the road, they have become a sneaky and disastrous effort to reinstate alcohol prohibition," Redlich wrote. The Internet is full of unsolicited advice. Much is worth what you pay for it. Redlich's "advice" easily could escalate a difficult situation into a tense stand-off. Cooperation works much better, thank you. Even Redlich admits that "if the officer clearly states an order" — like, oh, "please roll down your window" — "it is safer to comply." Still, the Arizona law regarding "providing" an officer an officer with ID is vague. It could do with a bit more specificity, especially since we now can envision drivers holding up Redlich's clever signs during traffic stops. The law says "don't drink and drive." It is not a secret conspiracy to outlaw alcohol consumption. It is an effort to keep the awful mayhem caused by drunken drivers to a minimum. Drivers should ignore Redlich's advice — or, better yet, don't get behind the wheel when you've had too many.