When it comes to talking about legalizing marijuana let's not talk about the facts. It's more important to demonize marijuana with lies and propaganda? After all if we talk about the FACTS, people might actually vote to legalize it!!!! Sadly that's how these Sun Lakes Republicans and Yavapai County Attorney Shelia Polk seem to feel about it after reading this quote: "The debate as to whether marijuana is more or less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco is irrelevant. We need, rather, to understand that marijuana is just plain dangerous"I think April 1 which is April Fools Day would have been a more appropriated date for this talk then April 14. If the meeting is open to the public some of you pro-marijuana supporters way want to attend the meeting to present our side of the issue. I grabbed this web page on April 3, 2015. I suspect it will change for the next meeting of the Sun LakeS Republican Club. Sun Lakes Republican Club SUN LAKES REPUBLICAN CLUB APRIL 14TH MEETING The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature Marijuana-Legalization? with Deborrah Miller, Substance Abuse Coalition Consultant, at its monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 14th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Arizona Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this important presentation on the impact of marijuana legalization on the public health and safety of a states children and citizens. The quest to legalize marijuana at the state level is very real with an initiative aimed at our Arizona electorate for 2016 in the drafting stages. Little has been said or written as to why all of this is a very bad idea for our state and our country. But it is just that, a very bad idea. MATFORCE, the Substance Abuse Coalition in Yavapai County supported by Yavapai County Attorney Shelia Polk, along with, provides presentations which, despite what many say�either from unfamiliarity with the science or because of a political point of view or because some people simply want to get high legally show that marijuana is dangerous. Making it legal will cost society more in financial and human damage than can ever be made up for by the false promise of tax revenues. The debate as to whether marijuana is more or less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco is irrelevant. We need, rather, to understand that marijuana is just plain dangerous. And, adding one more dangerous product (regardless of degree of danger) is more than a bad idea; it is public policy malfeasance. Deborrah Miller is a Consultant for Substance Abuse Coalitions with an interest in Marijuanas effects on todays youth and culture, as well as working to reduce drug abuse and its consequences on families and communities. She has worked with various substance abuse organizations in the prevention and treatment areas, in addition to advising on legislative and policy matters. She holds a Masters degree in Education and taught in elementary schools for over 17 years. She has also worked for the Arizona Department of Education, for the Arizona Attorney General’s Office and most recently, for the Pinal County Attorney’s Office as both a lobbyist and outreach officer. State Senator Kelli Ward will discuss the status of health care from her perspective as a physician and the status of Common Core� legislation from her perspective as the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee. In addition, AZ State Rep. Jeff Weninger will offer a brief update on the current AZ Legislative Session. For more information, visit our web site at , or contact Mike Tennant, 480-802-0178. |