Homeless in Arizona

Kathy Inman has a problem with PCC

  Here is an interesting post I saw that seems to be from Kathy Inman.

I have been burned before with fake posts. So I don't know if this post if fake or real.


Kathy Inman shared her post.

That's not Norml..

Kathy Inman

I have been trying for years to solve this issue, with nothing but Pushback from the Lifestyler Stoner Community.

Learning about medical marijuana is such a special experience and these people have been cheapening it from Day 1.

I just got a review of last night's PCC meeting from an intelligent senior I know - one who supports all the initiatives.

Damn I wish they stayed for the show. I'd love to see that commentary too.


Hi all, just wanted to let you know that I went to the meeting last night on 1st street. My wife took me as I run out of go and can't really drive home safely. I was going to ask someone to come that is interested about learning about what's happening with Marijuana, medically and as a recreational drug. I'm very glad I did not...

First off, I hope this is very low cost meeting place, one of the worst s***holes I've been to in Phoenix. Trash everywhere and the entry points are dark and difficult to find you way around. I won't even bring up parking problems... or this area...

My wife works for (anonymous) and other critical infrastructures that need to keep working, so they have a negative view of positive Marijuana tests. She was so overcome with the continuous cloud of not only pot smoke, but cigarettes, a know carcinogen and responsible for over a half million deaths a year, many attributed by second hand smoke.

I have been sick for over 20 years, now and have been an advocate for legalization for many decades. I have asthma and Fibromyalgia, I could not sit in that area for more than a few minutes. I ended up leaving after only a few minutes coughing and choking on my way to the car. I know this is not a meeting for medical use, but many supporters are recently converted by someone they know has medical problems. This is eliminating many persons, it eliminated me and my wife who support this.

If this is what you wish to show people, then it's no wonder it's reflected as a bunch of dopers. I've been around many (dopers, not negative in my view) and am comfortable with them, however I couldn't see anything positive about this group. Bongs everywhere, but worst of all was the cigarette smoke. If you had someone with a video camera and put it on the air, I think you could undermine the whole mess with this type of 'meeting'.

Get someplace OK, then have your meetings and do the business, no smoke and/or alcohol, until business is done. If alcohol made for better business decisions, they would all be buzzed. By mixing business with this type of behavior is detrimental to the end goal. Most people, would not stay any longer that I did and come back with a very negative view of business handled in this way. Possibly siding with the 'bunch of dopers want it legalized' attitude.

Many cigarette smokers, don't seem to know the dangers or don't care. I think the stats are something like 3 out of 5 will end up with a fatal condition caused by smoking or 2nd hand smoke. It seems hypocritical, that we stand and spout how good this is for you then turn around and do something we know will probably kill you.

Political people see this in groups and use these as points for political attacks.


Looks like the PCC meeting continues to be what it has been for about three years- a party without any rules or correct information.

That's why I left in 2012.

That's why I took the Norml name from them in 2013.

That's why they are called "PCC". No rules. No obligations.

I wasn't going to let the mainstream cannabis consumer think this was the only option for community and education.

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title