Homeless in Arizona

Are you a snitch????

  John was asking me if I was a snitch. Ernie Hancock's lies????

On Monday, January 25, 2016 John was asking me weird questions like "Am I a snitch".

John's the guy I know from Larry. I think Larry ripped him off. Hell, Larry seems to have ripped off just about everybody on the planet.

At first I thought he was doing a little too much G and the paranoia was creeping in.

But since he continued to ask the question all day, I wonder if he is being told the David Dorn lie that I am a government snitch.

I wonder if that publicity hound Ernie Hancock is spreading that lie.

Mack being a jerk too

Also last week when I was helping Mack, the Black guy with his computer he was asking me if I wanted to buy some pot.

That's unusually. I wonder if he also thinks I am a snitch and wanted to rip me off.

Mack, despite the fact that I helped him with his computer was being a really abuse jerk.

He was ordering me around telling me what to do and demanding that I do it on his time frame.

I helped Mack reset the password on his computer so he could get in.

That was pretty easy, just took out the backup battery that drives the clock and wait 5 minutes for the capacitor that back up the clock to run out of electricity and bingo, the password is removed.

Mack is the guy I took to the Mexican computer store and helped him get a hard drive for his laptop.

He got ripped off when he bought a laptop for $25 that didn't have a hard drive in it.

Mack is also weird in that he won't let you see his name.

Now I am that way too, but I am paranoid about everything and everybody.

I don't think normal people are that paranoid???

Homeless in Arizona

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