Homeless in Arizona


  Here is a blurb from one of my electronic friends in New York.

See me grilling the psychiatrist who drugged my child with antipsychotic Geodon, without consulting me or even letting me know:

Child Psychiatrist Defends Drugging my Child w/o my Knowledge or Consent



This video was taken on Sept 28, 2012, at a meeting I had with the child psychiatrist who issued a prescription of Geodon to my 7 year old daughter, around June of 2011, without my knowledge or input, and without confirming that I knew anything about it.

Despite my concerns, and his claims of disliking putting children on drugs, my daughter is still taking Geodon today, and now by another child psychiatrist that she was passed onto when he stepped out the case.

This video is little more cerebral and less obviously shocking than the last video I posted, after all it is with a psychiatrist who has professionally learned how to moderate their conversation to not sound dismissive, even if it is.

But the subdued affect of our meeting soft-pedals the violence being done to my child, by drugging her with a substance not approved for use in children, only for adult schizophrenia, and that causes Parkinsons disease in 20% of people treated with it, among other horrible "side" effects.

Geodon is not FDA approved for children or adolescents. The packaging insert explicitly states:

"Geodon has not been shown to be safe or effective in the treatment of children and teenagers under the age of 18 years old." and that: "Geodon is not approved for use in children or adolescents."

Additionally, Geodon is a dopamine antagonist, and it carries a significant risk of permanent tardive dyskinesia, a form of Parkinsons disease. It has a particular tendency to disrupt heart rhythm, causes obesity, and an increased chance of diabetes. See Geodon Package Insert: http://labeling.pfizer.com/ShowLabeling.aspx?id=584

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title