Homeless in Arizona

Time to boot Joel Navarro and Randy Keating out of office

  If a politician is supported by the police and police unions, they are part of the problem and need to be booted out of office.

Remember the police unions have used the "War on Drugs" to turn American into the worlds largest police state.

The "War on Drugs" is nothing but a full employment jobs program for cops, and the police union masters love it because of all dues paying cops it brings into the police unions.

In this case Joel Navarro and Randy Keating are running for Tempe City Council and need to be booted out of office.

It's jerks like Joel Navarro and Randy Keating who allow the police to terrorize us and arrest us for victimless drug war crimes.

I wonder who this entity is that paid for this sign. The entity is

Safer Valley Neighborhoods
For some reason I suspect this Safer Valley Neighborhoods is an entity created by the police unions.

I Googled the phone number

It turns out to be a phone number associated with David Leibowitz.

His email is

And it goes to this web page.


Homeless in Arizona

stinking title