Homeless in Arizona

Alleged Libertarian Barry Hess with 2 big time crooks???

  Wow Libertaian Governor Canidate Barry Hess really seems to be hanging out with some big time govenrment crooks.

In this photo Alleged Libertarian Barry Hess is with Democrat Paul Johnson and Democrat Terry Goddard.

Both Democrats Paul Johnson and Terry Goddard are former mayors of Phoenix, Arizona.

If you ask me Democrat Paul Johnson and Democrat Terry Goddard are both big time crooks.

Wow Barry Hess is sure good at making the rest of us REAL Libertarian look like idiots.

I suspect that Barry Hess is also a publiclity hound like Ernie Hancock.

Phoney baloney Libertarian Barry Hess hanging out the Democrat Paul Johnson and Democrat Terry Goddard - Both are Democrats are big time crooks that used to be may of Phoenix, Arizona

Barry Hess whines about my comments in this link

Barry Hess @Mickey. You obviously are the phony baloney libertarian you claim everyone else is. I call BS on your silly, childish name-calling. If, just by association, or from rumor, someone is not a libertarian in your clearly clouded view--you sir, are a disgrace to any who abide by libertarian philosophy. Why don't YOU go out and 'do' something to further the cause of liberty, instead of whining about those who do?

Check out this link for more info on alleged Libertarian Barry Hess.

Homeless in Arizona

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