Homeless in Arizona

America has been at war 222 of the last 239 years

  According to this image, America has been at war 222 of the last 239 years.

Most people don't know it but the first war after the American Revolution was when we invaded Canada and tried to make the Canadian provinces American states.

That was the "War of 1812".

Most American's also don't know it but the American Empire invaded Mexico and stole, half of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, parts of Utah, Nevada and Colorado from Mexico.

That was the "Mexican American War".

Most American's don't know it but the American Empire invaded Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines and made them territories.

That war was the Spanish American War.

Most American's don't know it but the American Empire was a silent partner when the American Empire helped some private citizens overthrow the Queen of Hawaii.

Hawaii allowed an American navel base there in exchange for sugar exports to the USA.

When the Queen of Hawaii decided it was time to kick foreigners out of Hawaii, the American military forces stationed there were a silent partner in helping the foreigners who lived there over throw the Queen of Hawaii.

America has been at war 222 of the last 239 years
Homeless in Arizona

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